Gain serenity with money...

You will discover the issues or obstacles to experiencing deep trust, expansiveness and empowerment with money ... and on a deeper level, these same qualities in your life. You will learn how to embody a deep sense of solidity, groundedness, courage and empowerment, enabling you to weather whatever life puts in your path, financially or otherwise.

A transformative course bringing more peace, more courage, more passion and more solidity in how you do money.

From worried to centred, from collapsed to strong, leaving behind frustration for more peace and empowerment with money. Through this course you will feel deep within your core that you have got what it take to transform your financial life, follow your dream or expand your life.

Check the reviews

5 star rating

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!

Riley Henderson

Got so much out of this course. The teacher Jane moves between Money and Mindfulness adeptly. How our psychology and experience impact our behaviours with mo...

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Got so much out of this course. The teacher Jane moves between Money and Mindfulness adeptly. How our psychology and experience impact our behaviours with money and how through mindfulness we can change this. Beautifully done!

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5 star rating

What an excellent course

Amber G

Thank you Jane really love this course.

Thank you Jane really love this course.

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5 star rating

Great results instantly

Trent P

This course has changed my approach to how I deal with money in my life. Really fascinating course.

This course has changed my approach to how I deal with money in my life. Really fascinating course.

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5 star rating

In-depth of knowledge of mindfulness and money

Zeev H

Thank you for creating such a comprehensive course around money, mindfully supportive and insightful.

Thank you for creating such a comprehensive course around money, mindfully supportive and insightful.

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5 star rating

Un cursó bueno

Jorge R



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5 star rating

Got so much out of this course.

Nan Baker

Really enjoyed this course, I will continue to use the mindfulness exercises, very, very helpful.

Really enjoyed this course, I will continue to use the mindfulness exercises, very, very helpful.

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5 star rating

Good timing for content.

Johanna Hanki

Jane is obviously very passionate about the subject she teaches which makes even easier to comprehend her teaching without getting bored. Thank you.

Jane is obviously very passionate about the subject she teaches which makes even easier to comprehend her teaching without getting bored. Thank you.

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5 star rating

Great program really helpful!

Suz Freeman

Thanks loved the content.

Thanks loved the content.

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5 star rating

Great course!

Gina S

This has been one of the best personal development courses on money I have ever taken. Really recommend to anyone.

This has been one of the best personal development courses on money I have ever taken. Really recommend to anyone.

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  • Imagine feeling so empowered, so embodied, so passionate and strong that there was no need for you to 'change your mindset'. Instead you felt ready, capable and completely trusting in your capacity to deliver. The mantra of your whole being says "I've got what it takes!"

Course curriculum

    1. Money Mindfulness Workbook

    1. Module 1 - Money Mindfulness & Confidence

    2. Module 2 - Barriers to Money & Confidence

    3. Module 3 - Key to Money & Confidence

    1. Module 4 - Money Mindfulness & Courage

    2. Module 5 - Barriers to Money & Courage

    3. Module 6 - Key to Money & Courage

    1. Module 7 - Money Mindfulness & Empowerment

    2. Module 8 - Barriers to Money & Empowerment

    3. Module 9 - Key to Money & Empowerment

    1. BONUS Guided Trust Meditation

    2. BONUS Guided Mindfulness Meditation